Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Black Winged Angel (Story)

This is a dream one of my friends had one night:

I can't remember if she was about to end her life or what had happend,
But she had this dream,
Everything was going wrong,
Then I came "flying" in,
With these large black and red wings.
That night I saved her life,
To her it was a reality check,
To me it was a wake up call,
Maybe I'm meant to help others?
And Maybe I'm not....
All I know is that I seem to read whats wrong and can fix things.
According to one of my friends they can see me as a "shrink",
Or something along that line of work,
Because no matter what the problem or who's invouvled,
Somehow it's always me they turn too.
I've had many friends either cut themselves, jump off brigdes or even try to OD.
I've told everyone of them the same thing,
No matter what time it is, where you are or what's going on,
You can always call me up.
I've had one of my friends call me up in the middle of the night,
Telling me that he'd miss me,
And that I'd be the only one who cared if he died,
And that he was going to OD.
I basicly had to talk him out of it, and told him if he didnt come to school the next day,
And if he wasn't already dead, that I would "kill" him for scaring me so badly.
Thank God he never whent through with it.
I've had another one of my friends jump off a bridge,
And I didn't find out until like 4 days later , when he called me from the hospital saying he was fine.
I told him the next time he trys that,
To call me up and I'd sit down with him about talk it out,
I wouldn't even care if we were sitting on the legde of a building while we were talking,
Just so long as I'd know he was safe.
I had one of my friends,
Just last night tell me she wanted to end it all,
And that dieing would be a better solution to her problems then to go on living.
The same friend who dreamt me as her saving grace.
It's scary to watch this happen...

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