Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Good News

Once again sorry about the lack of blog posts lately.
Inbetween no laptop, exams and my social life I haven't had time.
The good news I mentioned in the title is that my laptop will be fix by the end of July! I'm so excited! Finally I can keep this updated, I didn't realise how much I get "off my chest" useing this until I couldn't use it anymore... man that was not fun!

I don't think I've ever had so many fights with my close friends as I've had this year. Which is sad to say but it's true, we've all "grown apart" from each other. Some of us are more focused on the futur and some of are more focused on getting high. But it's their life not mine so I can't complain. I mean yeah a party or two in the summer that's fine, but when you're getting high everyday, and when people are so use to seeing you high that you can never tell if they're high or not. Throwing away all that intelligence you once had, then stand there and wonder why you aren't doing as well in school as you where. Now tell me does that make any sense? Oh well like I said, their life their choices. I hate to say this, but one of my "closer" friends is moving away to another school next year, and personaly I don't think I'll miss them one bit. I'd rather not have that style of living in my face everyday of my last 2 years of school. Would you?


  1. Missed you! Glad to see you back. Good points -all.

  2. Glad to see you make good choices, so wise for such a young lady!
