Saturday, September 12, 2009

What If?

We as human always seem to be playing a "what if?" game
you can't turn back time,
you can't push pause,
there are no "redos"
Well what if I hadn't done that?
Or what if I hadn't of said that?
Well we will never know
Life is make you make of it
No matter how bad you want to take back something
You really can't back track time
You take the situation and go from there
And though you may say "What if??"
Maybe it was not meant to be
Everything happens for a reason, we may not like the outcome
But it's what we've got
Take it or leave it
And yes we all wish we could 'rewind'
We all wish we would have said or done something diffrently then what we did
But life is unfair,
And untame
But hey that's life
Answer these if you'd like
What if: I hadn't said that?
What if: we all were the same?
What if: there was no tomorrow?
What if: we never told the ones we loved we loved them?
What if: I was 10 again?
The list is endless
So stop playing "what if?" and live for today
You can only hurt for so long...

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