Saturday, September 26, 2009


When you know it's now or never
And you still chose to walk
Just so your heart can stay
When my mind thinks, my heart breaks.
When your mouth speaks, my heart takes.
Walking away and looking back
until you call my name and ask me to stay.
When this all ends,
You will see.
That I believe that through it all,
We'll still stand tall.
Even with broken hearts, we'll have open arms.
To let oursleves be,
Once again.
When you're lost I hope you find yourself.
And when you're found,
Don't forget me.
I'll ask you please,
Don't walk away from what you loved.
When we all think,
We're a step above,
Being loved.


  1. Congratulations Paige for stepping out and putting your poems and thoughts out there for the world to see... You have talent and strong passions..Believe me, These will take you far...
    It is a pleasure to know you...

  2. Thank you Gwen
    This one was a note to one my friends that I never sent, thought many times I wonder if I should or not still sent it.
    "Many people walk in and out of our lives, but only true friends leave footsteps in our hearts".
    People walk into our lives for a reason, and though not all stay long, they are still part of who we are, and who we are to become.
