Saturday, November 14, 2009

Black Winged Angel (Poem)

Black winged angel,
That's what she is,
Everyone's saving grace,
But doesn't know who she really is.
Puts on a face,
Pretends to be someone she's not,
Just to feel like she fits in.
Not what others see,
But who she really wants to be.
Thats the angel I'm looking for.
Hides the sad,
By putting on a mask.
Wish someone would save the black winged angel.
Cus she's falling fast.
No one left to love her,
And when it all ends,
Will we see the black wings?
Flying high,
Or falling to the ground?
She's falling fast,
Needs someone to see behind the mask.
And with this I do pray,
That someone saves her...

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